Home Relationships Experiencing Similar Trauma Is NOT A Sign Of Compatibility

Experiencing Similar Trauma Is NOT A Sign Of Compatibility


Ah, the joy of someone understanding exactly how you feel about something! Little compares to that, no? Especially when it comes to emotions like grief or pain, finding a person who empathises with you on a deeper level can be really comforting. It’s no wonder that shared trauma is one of the top reasons for two people coming together. 

As much as we hate to admit  it, too many of us are hell bent on the idea that we can build healthy relationships on unstable foundations. Instead of seeking people who can stop the bleeding, we’re attracted to those with similar wounds, who may not know how to find a way out of the darkness, but suffice, simply because they’re in the same boat as us. However, confusing shared trauma for compatibility is one of the most toxic relationship patterns you can follow; and today, we spoke to an expert to help you understand why. 

Counselling psychologist and motivational coach, Amanpreet Nagpal, answered some crucial questions…

1. Sharing a similar trauma can help people bond. How and why does this happen? 

Experiencing emotions is a universal phenomenon. The reason or intensity of the emotion may vary, but the experience is inevitable. Any form of human bonding has the premise of strong emotional connect. Happiness and bliss are still at its infant stages, and people have recently started taking pride in these emotions, as all this while, they were mistaken for being selfish acts. Suffering, hurt, and trauma have always been the primordial reasons for intense connection, as these emotions were considered selfless, sacrificing, and empathetic. That’s one common reason that people bond easily over similar trauma. 

2. Why is a relationship that is based on sharing similar trauma considered to be toxic? 

Change is the only certainty about human behavior. Each individual deals with their emotional difficulty in unique ways. There is a high possibility that one can bond over a similar trauma, but to remain connected due to that, is like asking the flower to remain bloomed always something impossible. Out of the two individuals, one would definitely get over things faster than the other, and that’s when drifts mostly start to occur. They discover that they don’t have enough reasons to remain connected with each other anymore. With this realization, one will try to move forward and one will try to keep things the same, because the same emotion has been a source of comfort for too long. Without the awareness of the changing emotionality between them, conflict and friction starts, and over a period of time their relationship becomes toxic

3. What is the impact of trauma on intimate relationships?

Trauma is a deeply distressing or disturbing experience. It’s difficult to deal with, and sometimes impossible for intimate relationships to sail through all the turmoil. It takes a lot of emotional maturity, acceptance of one another and constant persuasion towards wellbeing to let it not sweep a person with its impact. Sometimes the partners are the reason for the trauma, and hence, the intensity deepens in each other’s presence. There are many angles to this. 

4. “Trauma bonding” sometimes leads to emotionally abusive or dependent relationships. Is this true? 

Yes, it is true. When one starts to manipulate the other to fulfill their emotional state, the relationship is more about power and control than compassion. Constant use of emotional manipulation can give the person the illusion of power over other. Sometimes, the partner at the receiving end becomes a willing victim of this situation, and then finds it easy to play victim all the time, rather than standing for themselves. All this leads to severe psychological conditions. 

5. Should a person get attracted to someone because they share and understand similar trauma, what are some ground rules to keep in mind, so that the relationship progresses into a healthy, helpful one?

It’s natural to be attracted to someone sharing similar difficulties. Till the partners have other healthy reasons to be connected as well, the bond remains healthy. One needs to be aware when emotions are overwhelming–that is the indication of being manipulated. In any bond, the consent of two makes it work, and if one is feeling like a victim or full of power, the consent element has been compromised. It’s important to acknowledge the difference between caring and being a victim. When something feels alarming, questioning it will be beneficial. We all need people who understand our sorrows and allow us to heal, but don’t let that become a premise for a healthy relationship. The core of a healthy relationship is two emotionally fit individuals.


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