Home Relationships How Many Of These Friendship Day Memories Do You Have From School?

How Many Of These Friendship Day Memories Do You Have From School?


Honestly, we cannot fully describe to the world the experience of growing up in India. The things we did as kids probably are so unique to our country that we sometimes wonder how we turned out normal. Oh wait, LOL. Anyhow, when we realised it’s Friendship Day this weekend, a nostalgia floodgate was somehow let loose. All those class six memories of us as naive little bachchas came rushing back. No matter how cringey our behaviour was back then, it was also some of the purest, most unadulterated fun we’ve had. 

For us kids, friendship day was a calendar event. Not only was the whole plan for the day locked down a few weeks in advance, it was one of those days when we could do whatever we wanted because even the teachers enjoyed a day off. It was a win-win for all. How many of these things did you do with your friends growing up in India

1. You invested in friendship bands. 

We don’t think this was a ‘thing’ anywhere else in the world. All of us, at some point in our childhood, have spent our pocket money on those ridiculous multi-coloured bracelets as a mark of our everlasting friendship. 

2. You bought special, more expensive bands for your BFFs. 

You might have bought the regular bands for everyone else but your BFFs deserved better. So, you made sure you showed the depth of your emotion by investing in fancier bands–the ones with bead work or those that came with 3-D teddy bears and whatnot. 

3. You made sure to flaunt all your bracelets.

Flaunting your friendship day bands: a lesson in high school badassery. The more you had, the cooler you were–like, whoa, who is that girl with no space on her arm any more? She must be so popular! It was vanity at its peak. 

4. You made sure your teacher didn’t get to teach that day. 

Since all the students would be in a festive mood, you’d always try to make it work to your advantage by nagging your teacher to let this one class go. It was a routine to make sure friendship day was a school-yet-no-studies day. 

5. At some point, ‘Yeh Dosti’ and ‘Yaaron’ were sung out loud because desi hain hum.

These two songs are made for Indians and friendship day. You couldn’t escape them no matter how annoying you found them. 

6. You’d have a mini lunch party planned for that day.

This was a day when everyone had assigned duties–one got the chips, another paid for the Coke, and a third brought the plates–a whole system was put in place. Lunch had to include the most delicious, unhealthy food as far from home food as possible. 

7. You were of the belief school would never end. 

We were sure that the school phase of our life would never end. Back in school, when we were celebrating friendship day with the enthusiasm of a 6-year-old, we never once thought we would grow up. It’s discomforting to think back on this now but, back then, we thought these friendships were eternal


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