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These Are The Dos And Don’ts Of Great Dental Hygiene According To A Dentist


If you ask anyone what was the first thing they noticed about you, the answer would probably be your smile. Showing off your pearly whites is key, but do you know some of your daily habits can actually affect them? Endless cups of coffee, your smoking habit and even your juice diet can actually have a bad effect on your teeth. If you’re wondering how to ensure that your teeth look good, we asked Dr. Karishma Jaradi, Head Dental Surgeon and Aesthetic Dentist, Dentzz Dental Care Centres for tips. Here’s what she had to say:


1) Thoroughly brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing at least once helps a great deal in keeping yellow surface stains at bay. Moreover, rinsing your mouth regularly with an antibacterial mouthwash can fight plaque and remove stain-producing agents such as tobacco, coffee and turmeric to brighten up your pearly whites.

2) In order to keep your teeth white, you must get them professionally cleaned by a dental hygienist at least once every six months. Professional cleaning goes a long way in tackling deeper intrinsic stains, clearing your teeth of unsightly bacteria and tartar, and polishing them.

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3) An instant teeth whitening treatment by your dentist is perhaps the quickest way to whiten your teeth. Typically, the procedure takes around 45 minutes, and you can see instant results in just one sitting! Also safe and dentist recommended home teeth whitening kit/strips are a good option.

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4) Foods and drinks such as black coffee and black tea can cause stains on your teeth. Surprisingly certain varieties of green and herbal teas may wear off your enamel too. Dark coloured fruits can also stain teeth especially bright red and blue ones. Balsamic vinegar, strong sauces, pickles, dressings are known to erode enamel slowly. Another popular teeth stain contributor is red wine. Therefore one must remember to rinse your mouth immediately after consuming the above foods.

5) Chewing hard candies is hard on your enamel and can also cause dental emergencies, such as a tooth chip. Similarly consuming hard foods including nuts, seeds, and also ice can aggravate teeth and enamel damage. Also, acidic foods can damage, stain and sensitize our teeth. Foods high in citric acid such as lime wedges, citric juices, etc. can also increases the chances of mouth sores. Therefore, after consuming such foods remember to rinse with water.


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