Home Health ‘Revenge Body’ Is A Trashy Concept And We Are Telling You Why!

‘Revenge Body’ Is A Trashy Concept And We Are Telling You Why!


I’m going to cut right to the chase, and tell you why ‘revenge body’ is a highly problematic concept. Firstly, let’s talk about what that means. “Revenge body” is a body type that induces (or is supposed to induce) great regret in another person. It is built on the idea of transforming oneself so significantly, that the “other person,” most commonly an ex romantic partner, repents ending the relationship with you. As the name suggests, it’s a method of apparent ‘revenge’.

Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s talk about why this concept is far from cool, even though the Khloe Kardashians (she actually has a show called Revenge Body with Khloé Kardashian) of the world might be championing it…

It promotes a specific body type


What is the body type that comes to mind when you hear the words, “revenge body”? No prizes for guessing- a super fit and toned silhouette, the stereotypical “model” kind, or probably the curvaceous tiny waist, big booty, big bust Kardashian mould. While those bodies maybe beautiful, is it fair to imply that only those are considered worthy, and will make another person desire you? Nope.

It’s too much pressure

“Revenge bodies” not only promote the concept that we need to fit into a certain body type in order to feel attractive; it also puts unfair pressure on too many beautiful women, telling them that they better get to work, if they want that guy who moved on, to give them attention!

Your body is not just a tool for revenge


Girls, your body is the home you live in. If you treat it merely as a tool for revenge, it’s disrespecting yourself, above all else. Show yourself a little more love, and refrain from having to achieve this senseless level of victory.

‘Revenge’ itself is a bad idea

As cliché as it may sound, life is short, and you don’t want to waste your precious time devoting yourself to a lost cause. Seeking revenge isn’t going to undo the actions of the person who has wronged you. No negativity is worth your energy.

Wrong expectations


If the only thing that can get the attention of the guy who has dumped you, is a new body – honey, that guy isn’t worth fretting over in the first place. If changing the way your body looks makes You feel better – do it for yourself, never for a dude!


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