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The Best Cold Pressed Oils To Use For A Better, Fitter, And Healthier Life


The oils we use for everyday usage, like cooking, garnishing, or even on our body, are usually are extracted from seeds, nuts, fruits, and vegetables. And this done using a method that uses heat, which does lead to more oil production, but has a direct effect on how that oil tastes, and how nutritious it is. Heat can degrade any oil’s flavor and nutritional quality, so instead you should be using the best cold pressed oils, made using low-heat methods produces higher quality oil, that has better nutritional value. Now, let’s find out which kind of oils are best when cold pressed.

Here are the best cold pressed oils to use:

Coconut and olive oil are arguably best suited to being made and used when they are cold pressed.

Olive oil is full of natural antioxidants, like Vitamin E. It has also been recorded as having healing and anti-inflammatory effects. It also stimulates bile flow, which helps in digestion of fats and food, among many other benefits. Olive oil is also susceptible to heat damage, so it is best used cold pressed (more on that later). It also has amazing benefits for your skin, like cleansing, being good for your nails, hair growth and nourishment, and generally to moisturise the skin.

Here is one that is great for your skin and hair

Soulflower Olive Oil for Skin


Price: Rs 245

Buy it here.

Here is one we recommend for cooking


Figaro Extra Virgin Olive Oil


Price: Rs 799

Buy it here.

Coconut oil is an anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-parasitic oil. It helps in protecting infections and is good for the healthy bacteria in your digestive system and immune system.

It is great for cooking, moisturising, oil pulling, massaging, and generally wellness. A lot of people cook in coconut oil, especially in India, and Indian culture traditionally, has always favoured it. According to a lot of coconut oil enthusiasts, it also provides long lasting energy without any weight gain. And Virgin coconut oil can also be easily used to cook in, as it has a high heat tolerance.

Max Care Cold Pressed Virgin Coconut Oil


Price: Rs 326

Buy it here.

We also recommend this extra virgin coconut oil from Organic India


Price: Rs 615

Buy it here.

Here are some of the other best cold pressed oils we recommend:

Flax Seed Oil


Flaxseed oil is a really good source of polyunsaturated fatty acids like omega3 fatty acids for the body. It helps in decreasing inflammation in the body, and often used as a laxative for health issues, in diets.

Price: Rs 315

Buy it here.

Black Currant Oil


Obtained from the seeds of the blackcurrant berry, this oil is a source of GLA, which is an important Omega-6 fatty acid. It also helps regulates inflammation, among other body functions. It also helps in maintaining a natural glow on your skin, your hair, and your nails.  

Price: Rs 399

Buy it here.

Walnut oil


A lot of studies and research have indicated that walnut oil is a great source of antioxidants, especially one called ellagic acid. According to many of those who use this oil, this detoxifies various substances linked to the development of cancer. Aside from this, walnut oil is high in manganese and melatonin, both of which help in regulating our body’s internal clock. It also helps reduce the risk of heart disease, improves cardiovascular strength and works towards maintaining hormone levels of our body.

Price: Rs 290

Buy it here.

Do keep in mind that cold pressed oils like olive, sesame, sunflower, canola and coconut, are good for food. But, these do not mix well with extreme heat. They have a lot of unsaturated fats, so once exposed to a lot of heat, for example in deep frying, they aren’t as nutritious or good for consumption, as these fats may breakdown. So do not use these oils for deep frying or heavy sauteing.


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