Home Food How to Make Bangali Mutton Aka Kosha Maongsho

How to Make Bangali Mutton Aka Kosha Maongsho [Video]



Authentic bengali delicacy, Kosha Mangsho



Kosha Mangsho or Bengali mutton curry is a succulent  dish from the Bengali kitchen that never fails to impress. Authentic Bengali cuisine is famous for its use of fresh spices and slow cooking method. But with the fast-paced life that we live we begin to take shortcuts and this recipe is an amalgamation of such convenience. The mutton is marinated overnight to make it softer and is cooked in a pressure cooker without compromising on the taste. Enjoy this luscious mutton dish with luchis (puris), parathas, rotis or a rice pulao that will tease your taste buds.



500 gms fresh mutton
2 potatoes, cut into half


For the mutton marinate paste:

3 large tbsp of curd
2 tsp red chili powder
2 tsp garam masala powder
2 tsp jeera powder
1 tsp of sugar
½ tsp of turmeric powder
1 tsp of ketchup
0.5 tsp ghee/ mustard oil (the authentic version would probably have 6 table spoons)
2 tsp of whole garam masala
2-3 bay leaves
4-5 cloves
4-5 cardamon
4-5 dried red chilies
4-5 medium onions ground to paste or finely chopped (the advantage of a paste is that you hardly need any oil)
Paste of 3-4 medium size tomatoes
2 tbsp of ginger paste
1 tbsp of garlic paste.
A cup of water



1. Marinate the mutton in the marinate paste and keep it in the fridge overnight.

2. Saute the whole garam masala, dried red chilies, bay leaves, cloves and cardamon in the heated mustard oil.

3. Once the spices start to crackle, add the onion paste. Keep stirring until brown.

4. Add the ginger and garlic (2:1) pastes and stir the mixture till it begins to darken and stiffen.

5. Add the tomato pulp and cook till it looks dusky and heady.

6. Add in the mutton and potato marinade now and stir the mixture together for about 5 minutes.

7. Add a cup of water, shut the pressure cooker and put the stove on high flame.

8. Wait for about 8-9 whistles, put the cooker on simmer and let it cook for another 15-20 minutes.

9. Serve hot with your choice of roti.


Here’s the video:


Recipe courtesy:


Image courtesy: ©Thinkstock photos/ Getty images


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