Home Health 5 Reasons Why Having A Workout Buddy Is A Great Idea

5 Reasons Why Having A Workout Buddy Is A Great Idea


Even fitness buffs have days when they don’t want to work out, so we mere mortals shouldn’t be so hard on ourselves for not wanting to work out either. If you’re really keen on getting fitter and you’re finding it hard to stay motivated on your own, the best thing you can do is find someone to work out with. Whether it’s your SO, sibling, BFF or parent, having a workout buddy will not only make you more accountable, but it will also ensure you have so much more fun. Not that we think you need much convincing, but here are five reasons having a workout partner is a good idea.

Reasons Why Having A Workout Buddy

Your motivation to workout will be much higher

The plan of working out with a loved one is going to ensure your motivation levels are higher. Also, this way you’re much less likely to cancel a workout plan. Whether out of guilt or not wanting to let down or de-motivate your workout buddy, you’ll think twice before you suggest postponing or cancelling a workout session. Once you guys get in the groove, you won’t feel lazy or “not in the mood” to work out as often.

Working out will be a lot more fun

To most of us, working out has the connotation of being slightly boring and a chore, which is why we don’t feel like doing it very often. But once you have a workout buddy, the whole process becomes far more fun and you start looking forward to working out. This, in turn, will only make you work harder and even look for new things to try out together.

Reasons Why Having A Workout Buddy

It inspires healthy competition

When you have someone who is continuously working out alongside you, you will automatically develop a sense of (healthy) competition. Whether you are trying to lose weight or build your core strength, it will motivate you to work out harder. You’ll compare your progress with your buddy and regardless of whoever is doing better, you will feel more competitive and will strive to do better, every day.

You will be more accountable

There will be no more giving up on gym memberships halfway or missing workout sessions for lame reasona. You and your gym buddy will be accountable to each other, whether it is showing up for a session, pushing yourself through an exercise or achieving your monthly goals. So, you will be forced to do your best, and it will only help you achieve your goals faster.

Reasons Why Having A Workout Buddy

It’ll help your relationship

Whether your workout buddy is your mum, your best friend or your partner, this extra bonding time, including the competition, seeing each other struggle and sweat, will make your relationship stronger. Plus, it gives you guys another thing to talk about too!



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