Home Food If Zodiac Signs Were Types Of Alcohol, This Is The Drink You...

If Zodiac Signs Were Types Of Alcohol, This Is The Drink You Would Be


Zodiac signs are a telling glimpse into somebody’s personality, and their tastes. Naturally, this includes their attitude to food and drink, which, in turn, includes alcohol. Yes, a person’s expectations from alcohol, drinking style, and personal preference, can all be deduced from their sun sign, to reveal their drink of choice. So, the next time you’re at the bar, clueless about what to order, consult this list, and see how much you enjoy indulging with the drink best suited to your sun sign!


aries drinking

To an Aries, some heady vodka, in any and every form, is the perfect alcohol, be it shaken into a martini, or downed in the form of potent shots, much like their intense personality.



anushka sharma drinking taurus

Red wine is the drink favoured by the zodiac’s food and drink connoisseur, Taurus. Simple yet heady, it is the perfect accompaniment to most of Taurus’ favourite foods, too!



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Geminis drink to socialise, so they need their drink to stay light, like the conversation. Hence, a light beer is the perfect drink for these social butterflies.



priyanka cancerian drink

Cancerians like quality over fast trends, and are the quintessential whiskey drinkers. But they can be easily addicted and over-emotional, so it’s best to keep a distance from alcohol.



saif leo drinking

Champagne cocktails, be it mimosas, or bubbles and berries, are the ideal drink for the fancy and flashy Leos out there, who, no matter how hard they try, cannot hide their peacock-like showy vibe.



kareena virgo drinking

Gin and tonics are the best drink for Virgos, who do everything with a clear purpose, and like their drink to have the same kind of simple clarity.



kim kardashian drinking wine

Librans are the people who like Unicorn frappes and millennial pink, making them the perfect candidates for rose sangria, which is their drink.



shah rukh khan devdas

White wine is the drink best suited to the cold yet intense and sexual Scorpio, who enjoys the heated libido-boost alcohol brings to their cool system.



brit sag drink

Sagittarians are the ultimate party people, who like having a great time, so tequila is their kind of drink. Better yet, tequila shots!



capricorn deepika drunk

Scotch is the drink for the mature, sophisticated and ambitious Capricorn. What else do you expect from the stern grandfather of the zodiac?



aquarius drink

The average Aquarian has very little interest in alcohol, and prefers a quirky cocktail to shock their senses, more than anything. So, a pina colada is your drink, with a fun mix of coconut, lime, pineapple-and yes, a little bit of booze!



alia drinking

Pisceans, despite their tolerance for hard alcohol, are actually cuties inside, and love a nice, sweet cocktail like a Cosmopolitan the most.





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