Home Health Throwing Around Words Like Depression And Anxiety Has Become A Trend, And...

Throwing Around Words Like Depression And Anxiety Has Become A Trend, And It Needs To Stop


The Internet has many benefits; but it also gives leeway to a number of disturbing trends among masses, compelling them to lean towards a similar behavioural pattern to keep up with an equally ignorant crowd. This extends to society’s habit of trivialising mental illness, be it online or in real life. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you have to have heard people spew nonsense like “I was so depressed when Chuck and Blair broke up.” Or better yet, you might have heard people talk about how much “anxiety” they feel while waiting for the next season of House Of Cards. If you know how anxiety works, you’ll find this ridiculous. If you’ve ever met anyone with depression, or suffer from it yourself, this might even outrage you. You’re not alone.


deepika depression

This casual use of words related to serious mental illnesses as supplements for temporary feelings of worry or sadness are common today. They are common because people use superlatives and exaggerations to make a point and to be taken more seriously. What they fail to realise, though, is that they do this at the cost of the mental health of people who actually suffer from these illnesses. This is because these people treat mental illness as voluntary behaviour, not something unavoidable or uncontrollable. What often follows this is the sick person’s suicide, and denial from perpetrators who constantly brushed aside their illness, refusing to understand it for what it is. This is why the need to remember that the difference between the two is crucial so as to help people who suffer.


jiah khan

Those who are sad after a breakup, or thanks to a bad boss, for instance, have all the right to feel the way they do. Nobody with depression will go up to them and say, “Your feelings are illegitimate” because they understand the pain.
However, the big difference is people with depression feel the way they do even when there is no cause for sorrow. The difference also is that people with depression do not go up to people who suffer from it and say “It’s all in your head, so cheer up.” In fact, that is usually something someone who uses the term ‘depression’ casually, would do. If they associate the concept of depression with a wilful bout of wallowing in self-pity, something they do when they feel low, it is highly unlikely that they will understand how depression works, and how involuntary it is. That is the difference between depression and being sad.


anushka anxiety

Depression involves a chemical imbalance in your brain that makes being happy very difficult. If left untreated, this worsens, because the brain falls into a pattern. You see, the ‘sad’ chemicals in our body naturally stay in our system longer than their “happy” counterparts. As a result, some form of mental trauma can trigger depression, making the brain fall into a pattern of releasing more hormones that encourage depression by altering the way the mind works. To reverse this is not as easy as “thinking positively”; it requires a lot of external help. To make things worse, it happens over a considerable amount of time, not a few days or weeks. Unlike sadness, it is not about melancholy, but about being rendered helpless by something quite uncontrollable without extensive therapy and medication. Denying this kills the recovery, and forces a person, who needs help and a positive environment, to suffer in silence.

The same goes for anxiety. An illness that leads to breathlessness, heart palpitations, nerve tremors, and non-physical symptoms of social withdrawal, stress, and extreme negative over thinking is often equated with plain worry or awkwardness. So, a person who is sick is told to “calm down” and “stop over-thinking” by the smartest of people, who, for all their smartness, still think anxiety is controllable and willed.





selena anxiety

If we want to live in a world that is kinder and happier, the way to do it is not to start a trend of creating a mental illness where it doesn’t exist, and pop Xanax for fun. No, it involves recognising the signs of such illnesses in people around us, instead of belittling them or glossing over their pain as something self-inflicted. It involves supporting people who suffer, easing the pain with kindness, and not being those people who make things worse.

Note: These views belong to someone who suffers from clinical anxiety and depression, and the knowledge they derived from therapy sessions and interaction with doctors on the subject of their condition. They do not, however, entirely represent the professional opinion of medical practitioners or psychologists on the subject of anxiety or depression.





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