Home Health The Lazy Girl’s Food And Drink Guide For Improving Acne-Prone Skin

The Lazy Girl’s Food And Drink Guide For Improving Acne-Prone Skin


Usually, acne is a consequence of whatever is going on inside our bodies, more than anything else. While some serious problems like PCOS cause acne, sometimes the problems are minor, and can be removed by lifestyle chances. Poor diet, lack of exercise, and dehydration often contribute to our skin’s ill-health. However, most of us aren’t giving up fries, or joining the gym ASAP, so other remedies to get rid of these pesky pimples, must be found. Here we list some of these doable hacks for cheating your way to healthier skin!

Make lemon water your bestie


lemon water

A tall glass of warm water with freshly-squeezed lemon or lime juice, detoxifies the skin and helps you feel fresh, as well. Drink this every day, preferably the first thing you have in the morning, and you’ll notice the difference in no time.

Your Grandma might have been wrong about milk making your skin beautiful



While it is true that milk has a lot of nutrients, in adults, it often does more harm than good. This is because milk is full of animal hormones that disrupt our system’s proper functions. Moreover, it is known to cause inflammation in our bowels, which aren’t supposed to digest milk beyond infancy, anyway. So, if you naturally have oily skin, or hormonal acne, then staying away from dairy is essential in order to get rid of blackheads and pimples.

Green tea cures all


green tea

According to anybody you ask, green tea is a cure-all that apparently solves every health problem, be it headaches or ageing. Tall claims aside, it’s skin-improving properties seem true, as green tea is full of antioxidants which are basically blessings for the body. Plus, the extra hydration you get only adds to that glow.

Free yourself from the clutches of salt and sugar



Sodium and sugar dehydrate your skin, and are sure to trigger breakouts. Try gradually decreasing the amount of seasoning in your diet, and soak in the natural flavours of the foods instead. Not only will this improve your skin, but you’ll have a very evolved palate!

Give your stomach a break with some curd and bananas



Acne can often by caused by an irritated tummy, so cleanse your system with bowel-cooling foods like curd and bananas. Not only are they full of nutrients that keep skin healthy, but you’ll be targeting the root cause of your acne this way.

Binge on fish and seafood



Fish and seafood are a delicious indulgence, which, when cooked right, can improve circulation, provide good fats and omegas essential for great skin, and tame inflammation caused by breakouts. It’s a win-win, right?





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