Home Health Here's All Your Questions About Running, Answered By Daniel Vaz, Head Coach...

Here's All Your Questions About Running, Answered By Daniel Vaz, Head Coach At Nike+ Run Club


We’re a health-obsessed generation. In the last few years, many forms of physical activities that were reserved for athletes, have seeped into our lives. We are also more interested in other forms of exercise that don’t just give us ripped muscles, but also benefit our overall physical health, and emotional well-being. Running is one of these forms of exercise. But, many of us don’t know the dos and don’ts or running, and what else we need to do, to reap its benefits. So, we had a chat with Daniel Vaz, who is the head coach at Nike’s new Nike+ Run Club, because, who else would know better? Here’s what we learnt from him.

Here’s how to prepare that body for running …

Running is one of the simplest exercises which is available to mankind. However, it is always recommended to prepare one’s body before a run in order to minimize the risk of injury and get the most out of the workout. A few ways that will help one prepare their body for running are:

  • Hydrate well throughout the day to enable metabolic waste to be cleared from the system
  • Eat a simple and easily digestible snack about 1-2 hours before the run
  • Wear light breathable clothing that doesn’t trap sweat
  • Be mentally prepared for a run, having a positive self-talk goes a long way
  • Warming up before the run





Warm-up, run, cool down…

A proper warm-up and cooling routine are extremely important for avoiding cramps.

  • Warming up – Begin the activity that is similar to your chosen exercise, but at a slow pace. Eventually, one can gradually increase the intensity. This can be followed by a brisk walk for 5 minutes and then break into a jog for 5 minutes. A few functional moves such as ‘high knees’, ‘skips’, and ‘butt flicks’ to be done for another 5 minutes. It usually takes around 10-15 minutes to warm up every muscle of our body
  • Cooling down – As soon as one finishes their workout, it is important to not stand still and keep moving. This will ensure there is enough circulation and no ‘blood pooling’ in the legs. After 5 minutes, the individual can do a series of whole body stretches to ensure the tension in the muscles is relieved.


There must be some precautions, right?

Some of the precautions one should take are:

  • Avoid eating animal protein before the run
  • Maintain appropriate hydration before, during and after the run
  • Don’t ignore your body signals – intense soreness and serious pain are signals that you need to take it easy
  • Don’t push yourself to the maximum of your abilities every single day – intense workouts should be mingled with light ones
  • Avoid running on uneven surfaces
  • Eat a carbohydrate and protein meal within 2 hours of finishing your run.
  • Cross train on 2-3 days in the week by walking, swimming, cycling etc. Make sure you strength train at least one day in a week
  • Watch out for signs of over-training





Getting the right gear…

Having the right running gear is crucial for every individual, as it can significantly impact ones performance. However, there are no standard shoes for every runner as this depends on various parameters such as body frame, amount of cushioning required and the way your foot pronates or supinates (how your foot hits the ground when you run). So, it is generally advisable to consult your coach, read up shoe selection as well try out shoes when purchasing a pair.

What to eat, and what to avoid?

Before every run one must hydrate with water and eat a small snack. Taking adequate amounts of carbohydrates and proteins is highly essential. One should eat within two hours of finishing their run. Foods like whole grains, eggs, yogurt, almonds, bananas, sweet potatoes, salmon, leafy greens, cottage cheese, soya, etc are quiet beneficial for runners. One needs to be realistic about their carb needs and avoid extra consumption of sugar or fatty foods.





If you’re looking for weight loss…

Running, like any other physical activity provides caloric expenditure and hence it will help with weight loss. The amount of energy expended depends on the duration and intensity of the run. Generally speaking high intensity workouts tend to bring about larger caloric expenditure and weight loss. However, one has to be cleared by one’s doctor before doing such workouts because the heart rate can be very high during such intensities. Another way to ensure weight loss is by regularly doing strength training using resistance (weights) in the gym. This, in turn is complementary to running as it minimizes the risk of injury.

The wonderful things that running does for the mind…

Running provides manifold psychological benefits: increases confidence, reduces anxiety, improves sleep, sharpens focus and improves mental stamina.



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